Brain awareness and mind management are the key
We all... Do our best. We do what makes sense to us - given how we see the situation. However, our perception (our reality) is 'created' by what we focus on and the stories that are triggered. For a more detailed version of the picture, click here.
The best performers... Manage their perception. They intentionally choose their focus and/or their 'story' to improve performance in a particular situation, as well as learn from experience. You need to develop this same meta skill, especially when you face new, or challenging and uncomfortable contexts. This is when working with a coach can be most helpful.
The best leaders... Intentionally create system conditions to enable themselves, and those around them, to keep this learning (growth) mindset 'alive at work' (the title of a great book by Dan Cable). They keep emotions positive and they bring their authentic 'best self' to work, because managing their personal presence improves their impact and influence.
The best coaches... Are like leaders. They bring positive energy and their 'best self' (ie their experience in business, their psychological self-learning, and their full personal presence) to make it safe for others to learn and change ('grow'). They create change from the inside out.
"The best you can be is you at your best" MB
For occasional insights based on applying these ideas in real life, please follow this link to the equivalent "chapter" of my blog site: